Infinity Capital Management Corp believes in building prosperity by contributing to the communities in which we live and work.

Project Forward
(Calgary Drop in and Rehab Centre)

Project forward is a program started by Infinity Capital Management Corp at the Calgary Drop in and Rehab Centre on November 01 2006. This project helps participants over come financial barriers, and helps clarify financial misconceptions facing Calgary’s homeless population.

Our goal is to bring clarity into the lives of the participants of Project Forward. We are working with Financial Advisors, Accountants, Lawyers, Law Enforcement, Pardon Services and other industry professionals to help clarify issues facing Calgary’s homeless population.

Several articles have been written on this project:

Investment Executive - February 2007
Building a brighter future for Calgary’s homeless. Infinity advisor Ramandeep Banga has started a program to teach financial and time
management, scheduling skills...

CBC News - November 2006
Calgary financial planner seeks audience with city’s homeless...

Financial Stability Initiative
(Barrier Free Banking) United Way of Calgary

The goal of the financial stability initiative is to bring barrier free banking to Calgary’s homeless and low income individuals. Infinity Capital Management Corp Advisor Ramandeep Banga sits on the advisory committee.

Mutual funds are sold through Portfolio Strategies Corporation.

Other products and services are provided through Infinity Capital Management Corporation.